This wonderful treatment truly compliments Michelle's facial acupuncture in that it utilises points on the face to stimulate qi, also known as meridians in an attempt to help the free flow of energy in the channel(s). For those who are not so keen on needles, the healing touch of the hands can be used to stimulate what is known as acupressure points in the face, neck & body. In reflexology there are several facial systems that draw from different backgrounds, these map out the entire body onto the face. While the natural facelift massage works primarily on reducing fine lines and wrinkles. This facial massage relaxes the central nervous system. So it is ideal for those who suffer with fibromyalgia, chronic sleep issues, temporomandibular disorder, also known as TMJ, anxiety, depression, chronic stress, headaches, stiffness, ibs, as well as chemotherapy-induced and postoperative nausea and vomiting.
Contact Details
Water Street Business Centre, Water Street, Port Talbot, UK